Fill Out the Form Below and Receive a Payment Link via Email

Access 70+ Premium Apps for a Fraction of Their Original Cost Starting at Just €10! Simply Submit the Form Below to Get Started Instantly

  • If you are a returning user, enter the username allocated to you in your welcome email. New users should leave this field blank as a username will be assigned after your first purchase.
  • Select your preferred voucher from the drop-down menu above and click “Submit.” A payment link will be sent to your email shortly for quick and secure checkout.

What Happens After Payment?

  1. Account Activation
    Your account will be activated within 1-10 hours after payment is successfully completed.
  2. Setup Video
    You’ll receive a quick 2-minute instructional video via email. This video will guide you through setting up your account step-by-step.
  3. Platform Access
    Your confirmation email will also include a link to our platform, where you can download the Premly plugin. This tool gives you seamless access to all premium apps included in your subscription.

Renew with Ease

When your voucher expires, simply renew by requesting a new payment link. Each voucher provides complete access to Premly’s premium library with no hidden fees or commitments.

How It Works

  1. Complete Your Purchase
    Fill out the form above, and you’ll receive an email with a payment link. Choose the plan that suits your needs and complete the checkout process. You’ll immediately receive a confirmation email.
  2. Receive Your Login Details
    Within 1–10 hours, you’ll get a welcome email with your unique username and password.
  3. Download the Premly Plugin
    Use the credentials provided to download and install the Premly plugin. It’s quick and takes less than 2 minutes to set up.
  4. Enjoy One-Click Access to Premium Apps
    Once installed, log in and access all your apps in one place. The Premly dashboard makes navigating between streaming, productivity, and other premium tools seamless
  5. 24/7 Customer Support & Updates
    Our team is available around the clock to assist with any issues. Plus, regular updates ensure you’re always accessing the latest apps and features.